“The only real prison is fear, and the only real freedom is freedom from fear.”
Aung San Suu Ky
Hey, it’s me ~ ivoki !
I CHOOSE TO LIVE MY LIFE THE WAY I WANT. There are many ways of freedom. Freedom of choice, financial freedom, freedom from fear, free mind, free will, freedom from this old system.. you name it. Think about freedom naturally through my digital art associated with short notes. Regain this long forgotten instinct and B3.
LESS IS MORE. If you prefer short, inspirational words instead of way-too-long stories, then you’re going to enjoy this simple combination of art and mindset.
ART TO REMIND. Let motivation words and kind reminders speak to you through my art. Look at the pictures and let the kind words motivate you to get back on track. Track of freedom.
BE A PART OF THE NFT REVOLUTION! Check out my digital art collections I sell at OpenSea and choose the unique piece of art that represents your freedom: